Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturday the 21st

 Here is what I was drawing today.

 Here it is next to the photo.

 Here is what I drew today next to what I drew on April 22nd of the same photograph.

To quote Napoleon Dynamite, "it took me three hours to shade the upper lip." Actually, it took me between 4 and 5 hours (on and off) to draw the entire thing because I was doing a lot of work on detail. Anyway, I don't believe I've ever put so much work into any other drawing, so please enjoy. :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, the 13th of May

The idea of this blog is to let other people see my artwork. I was thinking of doing a daily blog, but I'm not sure it that will work or not. The featured drawing today is done with a purple colored pencil and some purple pen. The strokes are meant to be rather scribbly but work together to make a detailed and well done drawing. Looking at the date on the drawing, I did it in July of 2010.

I hope you enjoy my artwork. I do it for fun and for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.