Rather unfortunately, my camera has not been working all too well. It's old and uses Compact Flash cards and it is always pulling tricks on me. Until I get this problem resolved you probably won't be seeing any artwork from me.
I hate using wordiness on my art blog, I love art because I can say so much without uttering a word, but I've decided to use a few more words than usual today.
I've been pleased to see that people are visiting my blog upon occasion even though I haven't posted anything in almost a month. I suppose what I'd like to say most is that I really appreciate that people like to look at what I love so much to make.
Whenever I've been working on a drawing and it turns out beyond my own expectations, I find myself rather stunned. How did I even put together something that looks like that? I know all the steps I took, but HOW?? Do you know what I'm saying? Does this happen to anyone else?
Most of all I'm gratified beyond expression to God who gave me this ability. It's truly a privilege to be able to create things that I like. I am so thankful that He would let me draw things in such a way that people understand what they're looking at. Upon occasion people are even more stunned at my drawings than I am. Not usually, though.
God didn't only give me the ability to draw though. He decided that he wanted to know me personally and that he wants me to know Him. Where I am so thankful to God for the ability to draw, I am ten thousand times as thankful that He erased my guilt and covered me in His righteousness so that I can approach the throne of grace without being afraid of judgment. God is good, is He not? Hallelujah!!!
O.K. I'll shut up now. Enjoy the artwork - when I'm able to show it again. And as stated before, I appreciate that you even enjoy looking at something that God didn't have to let me be able to do. Have a blessed day!