Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Life Lessons Learned as a Jane of All Trades

Crossing Guard
- Dressing for the cold, sometimes less is more. Layers should be loose enough to have some give. If they are tightly packed on, the cold comes right through. I also learned that taping two handwarmers to myself (one to my back and one to my chest) worked wonders.
- Dressing for the cold is a carefully honed skill, but it can be done
- I still feel chilled after being in the cold for an extended amount of time
- How to give directions to the DMV that relocated during the time I worked as a crossing gaurd

Cleaner / Housekeeper
- How to clean a mirror or glass and leave no streaks
- A well maintained toilet is not hard to clean (actually it's easy)
- Cleaning is easier if using fewer cleaning chemicals for the following three reasons: 1) water, friction, and elbow grease are the main things that clean, 2) the chemicals are potent and not a lot is needed to kill germs, 3) the more chemicals you use, the longer it takes to rinse them away
- Cleaning is a physically demanding job, and the people who do it are doing honorable work
- The best rags in the world are not expensive, they are your old towels and wash cloths

Natural Landscaper
- Lawn is less awesome than most Americans make it out to be. It gives us no food, doesn't do anything for us except look vaguely pretty, and makes good picnicking spaces. But tons of people spend so much time, energy, and money to fertilize and mow these endless fields of grass to what point?
- There is huge diversity and beauty in Wisconsin's native plants and wildflowers

Restaurant Clerk / Busser
- The customer isn't always right, and they might just be at the wrong restaurant
- Subway should definitely have horseradish available
- Working in a high class restaurant, even in the lowest position, is a million times better than working at Subway
- The diversity found in kitchen staff of a restaurant can be one of the best perks to the job

Volunteer, Missionary / Living Overseas
- I don't need to be near my parents and family to survive
- Homesickness was never so bad for me as many people describe
- Being away from home opens your eyes to new worlds, new ways of thinking, new ways of life
- Opening your eyes to other worlds helps you see your own world more clearly
- You can't fix everyone's problems, even as a full-time volunteer
- Other countries have much to boast, but the longer I'm away, the more I appreciate the beauty Wisconsin has to offer
- Building relationships with people who speak a different language from you is possible, it just takes extra work

- Kids can't be forced to develop in an area before they're ready. They can only be budged.
- Young children don't benefit that much from doing homework all evening after being at school all day. They would benefit more from eating a family dinner and running and playing like a kid.
- Kids are amazing creatures and parents are willing to do a lot for their success
- It is extremely rewarding to care for kids and to watch them grow

Parks and Rec Children's Activity Leader / Art Teacher / English Teacher
- Kids are a joy to teach, and very difficult to teach
- It is easier to focus on children's' behaviors than on the root of those behaviors
- I prefer teaching smaller groups of kids than large groups of kids. The benefit is so much greater in small groups or in one-on-one interactions.
- It is always best to come more prepared than necessary
- Being able to deviate from the plan in a pinch is a very important skill in teaching
- Kids are ALWAYS at least a little bit unpredictable
- Kids are a ton of fun to work with

- Onion and garlic breath are the worst! Kisses are better held off until the next day in extreme cases because toothpaste doesn't always help
- Getting married was a better choice than I ever realized it could be. I love being partners for life with my best friend, and I love waking up next to him each day
- The happiest husband is also a well-fed husband
- Guys are more sensitive creatures than people like to make them out to be. They need to feel respected and encouraged by their wives more than from anyone else in the world
- When your husband feels beat down by life, being there as his wife is one of the best things in the world to pick him up again
- While nobody is perfect, Rex is one of the most caring, gentle, thoughtful guys I have ever known. He is honest and wants the best for people, even if it means telling them something that is not easy to hear
- It is a lot easier than I ever realized to unintentionally say something about Rex that makes him feel discouraged or put down
- It is necessary to be willing to apologize and talk it out with Rex when I make mistakes (and they do happen!)

Daughter-In-Law to a Taiwanese Couple
- My mother-in-law has really good strategies for preventing nasty smells, cockroaches, and mold from filling your house
- My in-laws have different methods of showing their care and concern for us than the ones my own parents default to, but they really make a lot of effort to make me feel welcome and to make sure we're doing well - even with our little language gap

Living in a Tiny Apartment in a Tropical Climate
- It is totally doable, it only presents unique challenges not imagined by most of my American friends
- Plants, a couple of beautiful things, and personal photos go a long way to making a space feel like home
- Mold, cockroaches, and potent smells are some of the biggest motivators to maintain a clean kitchen
- Regularly doing just a little cleaning and straightening goes a long way to making a space feel like home
- Choose your purchases carefully. Each one takes up more space, and if it does that it needs to add somehow to the quality of your life

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