Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Checkpoint: Final College Payment

Well, it's been done: my very last and final payment has been made to Moody Bible Institute. All loans and payment plans are finished. I won't miss having that money disappear from my bank account each month, but I think I might miss being a student at Moody.

I tell people I'm glad to finally be done, but I think that applies more to the practical end of things. I'm glad to be attaining a degree that will help me fill positions that are more advanced, help me qualify for bigger things. I'm also glad that I won't have deadlines set on my learning goals in the same way, I'll have more freedom for discovery and exploration outside of the confines of assignment requirements.

But I'm realizing that what I have been enjoying quite a lot (in spite of how much stress it can cause me) is the learning experience. I get to research things, learn about things, write about those things, interact with the material, etc. I feel I have become more of a habitual learner over these past four years at Moody. I already was a habitual learner, but I learned mostly how to do this or that. I now interact more with analytical, thoughtful ideas, approaches, etc. I have learned strategies and techniques for study habits and learning. I have learned how to observe what I've learned and tell someone else about it.

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